Artist's Books / Special Editions
Almond, Darren: All Things Pass
Almond, Darren / Blechen, Carl: Landscapes
Brown, Glenn: And Thus We Existed
Butzer, André: Exhibitions Galerie Max Hetzler 2003–2022
Chinese Painting from No Name to Abstraction: Collection Ralf Laier
Choi, Cody: Mr. Hard Mix Master. Noblesse Hybridige
Demester, Jérémy: Fire Walk With Me
Dienst, Rolf-Gunter: Frühe Bilder und Gouachen
Dupuy-Spencer, Celeste: Fire But the Clouds Never Hung So Low Before
Ecker, Bogomir: You’re NeverAlone
Elmgreen and Dragset: After Dark
Förg, Günther: Forty Drawings 1993
Förg, Günther: Works from the Friedrichs Collection
Galerie Max Hetzler: Remember Everything
Galerie Max Hetzler: 1994–2003
Gréaud, Loris: Ladi Rogeurs Sir Loudrage Glorius Read
Hatoum, Mona (Kunstmuseum
St. Gallen)
Eric Hattan Works. Werke Œuvres 1979–2015
Hattan, Eric: Niemand ist mehr da
Herrera, Arturo: Boy and Dwarf
Hilliard, John: Accident and Design
Horn, Rebecca / Hayden Chisholm: Music for Rebecca Horn's installations
Horn, Rebecca: 10 Werke / 20 Postkarten – 10 Works / 20 Postcards
Huang Rui: Actual Space, Virtual Space
Kowski, Uwe: Paintings and Watercolors
Mikhailov, Boris: Temptation of Life
Mosebach, Martin / Rebecca Horn: Das Lamm (The Lamb)
Neto, Ernesto: From Sebastian to Olivia
Oehlen, Albert: Mirror Paintings
Oehlen, Albert: Spiegelbilder. Mirror Paintings 1982–1990
Oehlen, Albert: unverständliche braune Bilder
Oehlen, Pendleton, Pope.L, Sillman
Oehlen, Albert | Schnabel, Julian
Phillips, Richard: Early Works on Paper
Riley, Bridget: Circles and Discs
Riley, Bridget: Paintings and Related Works 1983–2010
Riley, Bridget: The Stripe Paintings
Riley, Bridget: Paintings 1984–2020
Roth, Dieter & Iannone, Dorothy
True Stories: A Show Related to an Era – The Eighties
Wang, Jiajia: Elegant, Circular, Timeless
Wool, Christopher: Westtexaspsychosculpture
Zeng Fanzhi: Old and New. Paintings 1988–2023
Zhang Wei / Wang Luyan: A Conversation with Jia Wei
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Christoph Niemann at Hardcover
Art and soccer, these are the two great passions that unite illustrator Christoph Niemann and gallerist Max Hetzler. Both live and work in Berlin today, but as they were born in the region of Stuttgart, their hearts still belong to the VfB Stuttgart soccer club. So one thing led to another, and for his first solo exhibition on occasion of the 40-year anniversary of Galerie Max Hetzler, Niemann created 32 absurd silk-screen prints that pair off the gallerist and his roster of artists with imagery from the world of soccer. The series was presented under the fictional title Galerie Max Hetzler celebrates 40 years of VfB Stuttgart and is collected in complete form for this publication. We see formations of players, in the characteristic VfB white jersey with a red chest ring, who remarkably resemble works by Beatriz Milhazes or Richard Phillips, they embrace in tender goal celebration like a sculpture by Jeff Koons, and the stadium looks like a fabric sculpture by Ernesto Neto. Albert Oehlen and Martin Kippenberger appear in person, while Glenn Brown, Mona Hatoum, and many others are represented in allusions to their work. Names like Karl Allgöwer and Jürgen Klinsmann or the Magic Triangle stand for the other half of the team, ball artists that any fan will count among the eternal greats of the game. Christoph Niemann was born 1970 and after completing his studies at the University of Fine Arts in Stuttgart he moved to New York, where he lived between 1997 and 2008. His illustrations were published on the covers of magazines like The New Yorker, Time Magazine, New York Times Magazine, Wired, and ZEITmagazin. In 2010 he was inducted to the Hall of Fame of the Art Directors Club, New York. Currently Niemann is writing and drawing the column “Abstract Sunday” for New York Times Magazine from his home in Berlin.
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