
Künstlerbücher / Special Editions






Almond, Darren: Terminus

Almond, Darren / Blechen, Carl: Landschaften

Andreani, Giulia

Appel, Karel

Arnolds, Thomas

Brown, Glenn: And Thus We Existed

Butzer, André

Butzer, André: Exhibitions Galerie Max Hetzler 2003–2022

Chinese Painting from No Name to Abstraction: Collection Ralf Laier

Choi, Cody: Mr. Hard Mix Master. Noblesse Hybridige

Demester, Jeremy

Demester, Jérémy: Fire Walk With Me

Dienst, Rolf-Gunter: Frühe Bilder und Gouachen

Dupuy-Spencer, Celeste: Fire But the Clouds Never Hung So Low Before

Ecker, Bogomir: Man ist nie Alone

Elmgreen and Dragset: After Dark

Elrod, Jeff

Fischer, Urs: Sirens

Förg, Günther

Förg, Günther: Forty Drawings 1993

Förg, Günther: Werke in der Sammlung Friedrichs

Galerie Max Hetzler: Remember Everything

Galerie Max Hetzler: 1994–2003

Gréaud, Loris: Ladi Rogeurs  Sir Loudrage  Glorius Read

Hains, Raymond

Hains, Raymond: Venice

Hatoum, Mona (Kunstmuseum
St. Gallen)

Eric Hattan Works. Werke Œuvres 1979–2015

Hattan, Eric: Niemand ist mehr da

Herrera, Arturo: Series

Herrera, Arturo: Boy and Dwarf

Hilliard, John: Accident and Design

Holyhead, Robert

Horn, Rebecca / Hayden Chisholm: Music for Rebecca Horn's installations

Huang Rui: Actual Space, Virtual Space

Josephsohn, Hans

Kahrs, Johannes: Down ’n out

Koons, Jeff

Kowski, Uwe: Gemälde und Aquarelle

La mia ceramica

Larner, Liz

Li Nu: Peace Piece

Mahn, Inge


Mikhailov, Boris: Temptation of Life

Mosebach, Martin / Rebecca Horn: Das Lamm

Neto, Ernesto: From Sebastian to Olivia

Niemann, Christoph

Oehlen, Albert: Luckenwalde

Oehlen, Albert: Spiegelbilder

Oehlen, Albert: Spiegelbilder. Mirror Paintings 1982–1990

Oehlen, Albert: Interieurs

Oehlen, Albert: unverständliche braune Bilder

Oehlen, Pendleton, Pope.L, Sillman

Oehlen, Albert | Schnabel, Julian

Phillips, Richard: Early Works on Paper

Prince, Richard: Super Group

Raedecker, Michael

Reyle, Anselm: After Forever

Riley, Bridget: Circles and Discs

Riley, Bridget: Gemälde und andere Arbeiten 1983–2010

Riley, Bridget: Die Streifenbilder 1961–2012

Riley, Bridget: Paintings 1984–2020

Scully, Sean: Dark Yet

True Stories: A Show Related to an Era – The Eighties

Tunga: Laminated Souls

Tursic, Ida & Mille, Wilfried

de Waal, Edmund:Irrkunst

Wang, Jiajia: Elegant, Circular, Timeless

Warren, Rebecca

Wool, Christopher: Westtexaspsychosculpture

Wool, Christopher: Road

Wool, Christopher: Yard

Wool, Christopher: Swamp

Wool, Christopher: Bad Rabbit

Zeng Fanzhi: Old and New. Paintings 1988–2023

Zhang Wei (2017)

Zhang Wei (2019)

Zhang Wei / Wang Luyan: Ein Gespräch mit Jia Wei


Vergriffene Bücher


Impressum / Datenschutz



Bridget Riley: Paintings 1984–2020
Texte Éric de Chassey, Robert Kudielka


24 x 30 cm

78 Seiten

41 Farbabbildungen


35,00 Euro

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Bridget Rileys Kunst speist sich aus dem Interesse der Künstlerin an Formen und Farben der Malereigeschichte, die sie von ihrer ursprünglichen Darstellungsfunktion trennt und so neue Klänge und Bedeutungen findet. Mit jeder Bildserie fügt sie ihrem Werk etwas hinzu – und in diesem Buch, bereits ihrem fünften bei Holzwarth Publications, begegnen wir den jüngsten Ergebnissen: Da sind die Intervals, bei denen sie breite horizontale Streifen in vergrauten Grün-, Violett-, Orange- und Türkistönen auf weißem Grund übereinander stellt. Die Anordnung folgt keiner mathematischen Regel: „Wenn klar geworden ist, dass es kein festes Prinzip hinter den Permutationen gibt“, schreibt Éric de Chassey in seinem Essay, „können sich Geist und Auge auf die Harmonie des Gesamtbildes einlassen, die durch den Rhythmus der Veränderungen einzelner Elemente entsteht“. Bilder der Serie Measure for Measure sind in ähnlichen Tönen gehalten, aber durch die Komposition in farbigen Kreisen haben sie einen luftigen, schwebenden Charakter, jede Farbe wirkt auch für sich allein. Diese neuen Arbeiten werden an allen drei Ausstellungsorten der Galerie Max Hetzler in Berlin zu früheren Leinwänden und Wandmalereien seit 1984 in Beziehung gesetzt. Hier zeigt sich, dass Rileys Werke immer eine Bilanz dessen sind, was sie bereits erreicht hat, und gleichzeitig Vorarbeiten für künftige Bilder.


(Auszug aus dem Essay von Éric de Chassey)

In 1965, Bridget Riley succinctly described her method in words that have since become famous and often repeated when considering her work: ‘The basis of my painting is this: that in each of them a particular situation is stated. Certain elements within that situation remain constant. Others precipitate the destruction of themselves by themselves. Recurrently, as a result of the cyclic movement of repose, disturbance and repose, the original situation is re-stated.’ The importance of this statement cannot be overemphasised. The fact that she has always remained faithful to the principles thus established enables us to understand one key aspect of Riley’s aesthetics, which has set her oeuvre apart from those of all other abstract painters ever since the early 1960s: harmony encompasses contradictions; it is the result of labour and not an easy and immediate find; order is born out of destruction, not through an internal feud but rather through a paced resolution. The artists who took part in the international Op Art tendency, such as Victor Vasarely or Julio Le Parc, stop at the second step, destroying the stability of a situation to create a feeling of continuous movement and permanent agitation, ultimately leading to the abandonment of the picture plane and the translation of painting into an environment. The artists who established the basis of what came to be known as ‘post-painterly’ or ‘minimal’, such as Ellsworth Kelly, Kenneth Noland or Frank Stella, stop at the first stage, creating a pictorial situation that immediately establishes a stable harmony, so much so that, when they felt they had exhausted the possibilities contained in such a method (with the notable exception of Kelly), they created works that start with overtly clashing elements and reach a conclusive state by pitting those one against the other. As for the artists who have turned to abstract painting since the late 1970s, when they don’t re-enact previous artistic situations according to postmodern strategies, they either believe in immediate harmony, emphasise destruction as a creative tool or depend on the unleashing of contradictory elements.

In Riley’s most recent paintings, the Intervals series, she applies the three-stage principles she established in the creation of Movement in Squares in 1961. The particular situation stated here of four to six horizontal bands of four to five colours forms a rectangular unit on a white (or, rather, an off-white) surface. This unit is repeated vertically several times, admittedly with changes in the order of colours, so that its regularity, perceived at first glance as a kind of primary order, is thrown into question and destroyed. The mind and the eye become agitated and attempt to follow the differences between each of the four or five units in a process of comparison. When it has become clear that there is no stable intellectual principle behind the permutations – but only a visual search – the mind and eye can engage in and accept the harmony of the whole picture, established as it has been by the rhythm of changes in its units… As has generally been the case in Riley’s recent paintings, the Intervals take stock of the means and ways that the artist has used previously.



In Zusammenarbeit mit Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin | Paris | London